2). Let the global Gen Z collective set up one main GoFundMe (of a goal of your own choosing) to help raise support. I will post that GoFundMe here, once the people creating it have spoken with me about it. Also, I will make sure we only have one main GoFundMe — the one created by the Zoomer who speaks with me first about this.

If you or your team is happy to start the main GoFundMe, all you need to do is write a few lines explaining that this campaign has been created by a global team of Zoomers who are raising support to help Anthony, a rural farmer in eastern Uganda, stem the cycle of poverty in his region… then add the link hellogenz.org for people to learn more

Apart from the main GoFundMe, if you are a Zoomer who would like to create your own fundraiser to rally your network to help us reach our goal, please do. As a way of letting people know that your fundraiser is actually raising support on our behalf, I will post your fundraising page here, as long as you have communicated with me about it.

Until then, i.e., until we have any GoFundMes that have been created for this purpose, I am asking the global Gen Z community to simply share my own current fundraiser.